If your water bill increased recently during the drought, you may be considering removing your lawn.
Considering the drought may continue for a longer period of time – scientists still aren’t sure how long it will take for the climate return to what we knew as normal, – moving toward more drought-tolerant landscaping may be a good way to cut your water usage.
Removing Your Lawn
In addition to the climate issues we’re experiencing, the average household spends 30% of their water usage on outdoor irrigation. This includes everything from potted plants to that big thirsty lawn.
Imagine how much water (and money) you could save month after month after removing your lawn.
This change doesn’t have to result in a dull backyard – quite the contrary actually. There are plenty of ways to spice up your landscaping, using stone features and even patterned artificial truf.
Take a look at this article at Sunset to learn more.